Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ford PAS

The Philadelphia Academies professional development included two simulations from "Ford PAS."   To access the simulations / units/ modules, you have to register.  Most units / modules appear more appropriate for Academy courses (e.g. business) but there are some that fit with science and economics. (They do have a link to an interdisciplinary chart.) Since the units/ modules are produced by a corporation, the "point of view" is evident. 

This is something I'd like to discuss in the 2012-2013 school year - space for multiple perspectives.  The PBL critieria does not overtly include multiple perspectives but to me, if this is based on student interest / needs, then it is essential.  There shouldn't  be a  "correct" answer or way or doing something if the work is real to the students. This does not mean we don't show students  standards for formatting a research paper, writing citations / works cited pages, eliminating "Junk" web sites ("crap detection" with web sites), illogical conclusions in an experiment, unsubstantiated data, ETC.  Rather, multiple perspectives may be similar to "critical thinking" or "higher order thinking" but it also overtly  acknowledges and honors many points of view / life experiences.  I'm not sure how to consistently embrace multiple perspectives with PBL but I hope it is one topic we can discuss in 2012-2013.

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